BSM : 0% 

Overview: I was approached again by the guys at The Black Arts Company who needed help building a realistic set of lightbulbs for the Bristol Street Motors company.

The idea was to design, build, light, texture and animate a 0 and % bulbs in the style of an Edison bulb. Reference was provided and an actual bulb purchased to help with the design authenticity.

I created the bulbs from scratch in Cinema 4d, utilizing tools like X-Particles OpenVDB Mesher to meld parts and then the Quad Mesher for smoother geomtry later on.

Redshift was used for the appearance, giving quick feedback via the IPR and the bloom in post effects to aid in the beautiful glow that can be seen at the end.

Immediate grade and looks were done in After Effects.

Year: 2020

Software: Cinema 4d, Adobe After Effects

Plugins: Redshift Renderer, QuadRemesher, X-Particles OpenVDB, RSMB, Trapcode Particular, GSG HDRI Link, GSG LUTs,

Credits: Black Arts Company, Grant Henderson Motion & Design, Scruf TV