Channel 4 : f1 Bumpers
Overview: After Probellum Boxing the next challenge was assisting on Channel 4’s Intro and Bumpers for it’s coverage of the upcoming Formula 1 season. Whilst a lot of the work had been done already, GHM&D contributed to particle problem solving and solution finding for the intro and then moved onto the Bumpers.
Initially GHM&D created style frames and concepts before having to jump back onto Probellum Boxing for final delivery. The guys overtook this side of the project and so on our return, our task was to create beautiful Close Ups of the car using the further developed style by the team.
The aim was to pick key points of interest from around the car, add subtle camera movements and then to adjust the light rigs to really enhnance the aesthetic.
These were then rendered out to Adobe After Effects where they were composited, Trapcode Particular Particles added and then graded.
Finally Edit mixed and matched throughout the Bumpers and Intro. The particles scenes at the end of the shots were developed by the guys at Chapter 3.
Year: 2022
Software: Cinema 4d, Adobe After Effects,
Plugins: Redshift Renderer, Trapcode Particular,
Credits: Chapter 3, Whisper, GHM&D,