Trapcode 15 : product release
Overview: I was asked by the guys at Territory to help research and explore the new fluid engine that was being introduced into Trapcode Particular for Red Giant. Myself and a colleague were responsible for designing and implementing a proof of concept that was due to be taken over by another artist when I moved onto my next booking. We play tested the plugin as well as created various simulations as well as an environment that can be seen below. The next artist would then take these examples and tests to the next level ready for the final product release film.
On top of working on the various preliminary Trapcode Particular animations I was also responsible for building the environemnt (that my colleague textured and rendered) and we built the animatic that shaped the final version.
Year: 2018
Software: Adobe After Effects
Plugins: Arnold Renderer, Trapcode Particular, RSMB
Credits: Territory, Myself
final version