UEFA : Womans Euros 2022 : Draw Promo
Overview: GHM&D was asked by the guys at Noah Media Group to create a 2minute 30 animation for the Womans European Championships draw that is due to take place next summer.
The piece was designed to give an overview of the teams taking part, key players as well as a run-down of key stats.
All of it was designed and built in AFX using the current branding for the tournament as a guide. The challenge was creating something that varied from team to team as well as keeping away from the reference of ‘constantly travelling through’ players to make a transition. Instead during each teams main body of animation, we steered the camera away in different directions. We used line work of varying colours and weights to bring out aspects of each teams flags not just for the navigational purpose but also to offer depth and feed into the aesthethetic. The line work also created a nice balance against the tournaments branding circular shapes that can be seen as secondary graphics as well as being used to transition players from monochrome into colour.
Year 2021
Software: Adobe After Effects,
Plugins: Red Giant Suite,
Credits: Noah Media Group, GHM&D