whisper : atp locations concepts


Overview: A pitch and then later winning concept by the team at Chapter 3 for ATP. The premis was to provide some ideas as an update in order to show the various tournament locations. These could then be navigated in between and around during live broadcasts.

These needed to be built in Cinema 4d and then ‘baked out’ in redshift in order to be played in ‘real-time’ within VIZrt. The baking process presetned challenges as did the limitations of the VIZrt software so not all routes below were achievable. However I feel GHM&D created a wide range of really nice concepts and was glad that we were able to contribue.

The project was a good creative challenge as it was interesting trying to come up with as many concepts and styles as possible within a short window. It was also nice to pikc the project up some months down the line to help work on some of the final deliverables seen below.

Year : 2021 / 22

Software: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Cinema 4d,

Plugins: Redshift

Credits: Chapter 3, GHM&D

final version


Final concepts

earlier designs